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Get a catamaran, yacht or motorboat for sport, tourism or for an active holiday.
Modern technological advancements allow shipyards worldwide to build fast and powerful sea vessels with comfort of living in mind, made for long journeys. Here are the craft we offer in our catalog:
- Yachts. They are made for sporting events, leisure and tourism. It’s a relatively light craft with excellent maneuverability. Comfort is always in mind, every yacht has a main deck and quarters. Important features include a toilet, a kitchen as well as a cockpit. Many yachts also come with a desalinator unit for drinking water, modern navigational equipment, radios and communication equipment, electric generators and heaters/air conditioners. Good quarters are built to the standard of premium hotel apartments. Yachts are classified by their size, hull type, intended purpose, drive type, as well as its seaworthiness. There are both sail models, as well as motor models which make for relaxing and safe trips.
- Catamarans. Cruise catamarans are large vessels that can withstand the waves unlike other craft. This is a great option for longer sea trips or for an action-packed holiday with your family. The quarters are separated, so the adults can take up one part of the craft while the kids live in the other. A catamaran can travel across bodies of water, between islands, as well as in the open sea or ocean. However it will cost you more to run them compared to their monohull counterparts. Just remember to look for a place to stop beforehand, as they are generally much larger in size than yachts.
- Motorboats. A smaller version of a motor drive yacht that isn’t as self-sufficient. There is no kitchen inside, but they include quarters for resting. Motor boats are perfect for short voyages close to the shore, this also means they are great for going fishing with the family. You can stay on it overnight, but be sure to pack enough fresh water and supplies.
We offer yachts, catamarans and motor boats. There is a convenient search filter in our catalogue which will make it easier to select a vessel with the characteristics you want. The models can be ordered online via the website too.
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