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BAVARIA Motor Boats
When it comes to the unique look and feel of our motoryachts, we work with the best designers and engineers in the world – for the exterior as well as the interior. Then our proven BAVARIA team adds the finishing touches to the designs. The result of this collaboration is something that is the essence of every BAVARIA: the joy of yachting.
Fast hulls in all driving situations
Seaworthiness is a non‐negotiable quality on a BAVARIA motor yacht; among other characteristics, a high‐sided hull ensures that this demand is satisfied. With a R-/S-Line or VIRTESS you don’t only drive safely, you also feel secure when moving around on these boats – this is due to broad gunwales and a railing that extends from bow to stern. Isophthalic acid (IPA) resins in the outer layers, used during the laminating process, ensure that the hull of a BAVARIA is of the highest quality. These offer effective protection against osmosis and thus promote longevity of the BAVARIA. The hull and deck of a BAVARIA is made of sandwich construction with foam inserts.
Cost-effective yet smart engines
BAVARIA is one of the world’s most innovative shipyards, working with the best suppliers of engines to equip our motor yachts with cost‐effective and powerful engines. We were one of the first shipyards to use Volvo Penta’s modern IPS system, a Pod system with forward‐facing double propellers. The IPS drive has considerable advantages with regard to performance, exhaust emissions and comfort. It increases range by 40 per cent at a 20 per cent higher top speed, with 30 per cent less fuel consumption and thus also 30 percent less CO2 emissions. With a joystick and software adapted to every individual BAVARIA, the two IPS drives become the ultimate docking system in the harbour. Berthing with the fingertips – child’s play!
Safety through technology, from bow to stern
Fuel is the lifeblood of BAVARIA motor yacht. It is therefore important to store it well and to conduct it correctly. BAVARIA ensures this by using stainless steel tanks for example, pressed and therefore extremely durable, sleeves for the fuel lines and magnetic closures for the petrol lines on standard engines. An engine – diesel and petrol – also needs to breathe in order to be able to keep the cylinder head cool. Every BAVARIA motor yacht therefore has a fan for active engine room ventilation.