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Sailing catamarans - a comforting trip with the wind by your side
Sailing cruise vessels began to see a lot more popularity in the circles of sea adventurers. A sailing catamaran isn’t simply a form of transportation, but also a large, comfortable, relaxing habitat. There are numerous decks and quarters, which lets even large families spend their time in comfort onboard the ship for the duration of the voyage, meaning that the catamaran is closer to a countryside house on water.
What other advantages await sailing catamaran owners
The craft has other features and advantages that should be noted:
- Flybridge. An open deck with navigating equipment and passenger seats, which opens up to an unforgettable view.
- Maneuverability. The catamaran is able to turn and change course with ease.
- Safety during travel. The catamaran is very resistant to keeling and capsizing, even during the worst storms. This means that on tours in clear weather there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
- Little to no rocking. For those suffering from seasickness, a catamaran makes for a more reliable and comfortable way to travel.
- Shallow draft. A shallow draft means you can approach natural shores on islands.
- Separated cabins. You are able to place guests on one half of the ship, and the owners and kids on the other.
It’s important to remember that sailing catamarans are dependent on the wind, so you will need to pay attention and switch on the engines at the right time.
The downside is the same as for their motor counterparts - a higher maintenance and parking cost, as it needs more free space. In case you still have questions regarding the choice of catamaran model or you wish to learn the details of ordering one, simply leave a request at Yachts-Asia.com and your manager will contact you as soon as possible.