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Gulf Craft envisages success not as the reward for our innovation, but as a motivation to set out on a path of difference, with dedication and commitment, while creating world-class masterpieces that truly belong to the waters of the world. From manufacturing fishing boats to megayachts, and standing amongst the top superyacht builders around the world, the company nurtures and preserves each brand’s distinctive identity.
Since the company’s inception in 1982, Gulf Craft has grown to become one of the top seven shipyards in the world. From being a builder of small fishing boats in modest premises, a genuine passion for the sea led Gulf Craft to establish its credentials as a leader of innovation and technology in the yachting industry.
With five brands in the product portfolio, ranging from 31 to 175 feet, Gulf Craft manufacturers yachts and boats that appeal to a wide audience such as touring passenger's vessels, Silvercraft family day boats, Oryx Sport Cruisers, Nomad Explorer Yachts, and the flagship Majesty Yachts. Utilizing advanced technology, powerful engineering, timeless design, and world-class craftsmanship, Gulf Craft is today recognized as one of the world’s premier yacht manufacturers.
A diplomatic veteran, Mohammed Alshaali has devoted his time and energy towards managing his luxury yacht and boat manufacturing business. Working in what was still a budding maritime environment, Alshaali drew upon his extensive work experience and academic skills to face the challenges in the market. In just a few years, Gulf Craft stood among the top 10 yacht manufacturers in the world, specializing in the production of superyachts.